Above are the Play/Season Pass options available for league players. All league players must purchase a pass – league players are not allowed to pay as they go.
Please note:
All League Players are required to purchase a Play/Season Pass prior to the first day of league play.
Play Pass Rounds can be used anytime M-F and after 12pm Sat/Sun during the Permanent Tee Time Season. Pass rounds can be used outside of league play by pass holder and 1 guest golfing at the same time.
Once tee times are posted, notification to the Golf Shop must be made 24 hours in advance to cancel without penalty. Failure to adhere to the 24-hour notification will result in the assessment of a no-show fee equal to the player’s card or pass being debited one round. A no-show fee will only be assessed if the course is open and playable. Every effort must be made to consolidate tee times when possible. Reducing twosomes and threesomes.
On play dates that are designated Cart Path Only, players who have provided a state issued handicap placard may cancel the day of play without penalty.
Players are responsible for communicating cancellations to league scheduler in addition to Golf Shop Staff.
Play Pass Raincheck Policy – Raincheck value is based upon pass purchase per round price. Rainchecks can be used toward future green fees and cart purchases at posted rates.
Special Events:
Glenview Park Golf Club reserves the right to schedule outside events. These events are noted on each individual League Agreement. On these dates, leagues will be required to be off course/equipment returned at a designated time prior to the event. League play may be adjusted to an earlier start time, Shotgun format or limited to 9-hole play where applicable.
Please Note: The above information is a guideline and is based upon our Annual Recommendations approved by the Park District Board of Commission.